In this installment of Trails West Magazine, our journey leads us to Potter, Nebraska, where we'll uncover the origins of a delectable delight – the Tin Roof Sundae. This frozen confection reshaped the nation's dessert preferences during the latter half of the 20th century.
Scotts Bluff National Monument is a part of, and maintained by, the US National Parks Service. It hosts a visitor's center which we were not allowed to film in without a permit which would have taken a few weeks to obtain so, we just enjoyed the outside..
Situated within the Oglala National Grassland in the far reaches of northwestern Nebraska, Toadstool Geologic Park stands out for its exceptional geological marvels. The remarkable rock configurations found here bear the moniker "toadstools," a nod to their uncanny resemblance to mushrooms.
In this episode, we travel to Alliance, Nebraska, and embark on an unforgettable adventure. Our first stop takes us to the iconic Carhenge, where we explore its fascinating history and its intriguing sculptures.
In this episode of Trails West Magazine's 48-Hour Road Trips, our destination is Bayard, Nebraska. Where we visit and explore Chimney Rock National Historic Site.
The Clovis First model has come under debated attack as a result of discoveries found from southern Texas to the Pacific Northwest. Now. we can add Sunrise, Wyoming to that list
Rising 100 feet above the floor of the North Platte River valley, near present day Guernsey, Wyoming, stands the easternmost of three emigrant recording areas in Wyoming.
Nestled within the Never Summer Mountains of Northern Colorado, Mount Richthofen, also referred to as the "Great Chief" or "Chief Mountain," proudly stands as a prominent peak in the region. It has captured the hearts of many visitors, including ourselves, making it a beloved destination during our time in Colorado
The Cache la Poudre River is prominent in Colorado, United States. It is located in the northern (NoCo) part of the state and flows through the scenic Poudre Canyon, west of the city of Fort Collins.
In this installment of Trails West Magazine, our journey leads us to Potter, Nebraska, where we'll uncover the origins of a delectable delight – the Tin Roof Sundae. This frozen confection reshaped the nation's dessert preferences during the latter half of the 20th century.
Scotts Bluff National Monument is a part of, and maintained by, the US National Parks Service. It hosts a visitor's center which we were not allowed to film in without a permit which would have taken a few weeks to obtain so, we just enjoyed the outside..
In this episode, we travel to Alliance, Nebraska, and embark on an unforgettable adventure. Our first stop takes us to the iconic Carhenge, where we explore its fascinating history and its intriguing sculptures.
In this episode of Trails West Magazine's 48-Hour Road Trips, our destination is Bayard, Nebraska. Where we visit and explore Chimney Rock National Historic Site.
As we continue our Trail's West 48-hour road trip leaving Bayard, NE, we travel east on Highway 92, following the old Oregon-California trails toward Bridgeport, NE, where another small adventure awaits.
In this installment of Trails West Magazine, our journey leads us to Potter, Nebraska, where we'll uncover the origins of a delectable delight – the Tin Roof Sundae. This frozen confection reshaped the nation's dessert preferences during the latter half of the 20th century.
Scotts Bluff National Monument is a part of, and maintained by, the US National Parks Service. It hosts a visitor's center which we were not allowed to film in without a permit which would have taken a few weeks to obtain so, we just enjoyed the outside..
Situated within the Oglala National Grassland in the far reaches of northwestern Nebraska, Toadstool Geologic Park stands out for its exceptional geological marvels. The remarkable rock configurations found here bear the moniker "toadstools," a nod to their uncanny resemblance to mushrooms.
In this episode, we travel to Alliance, Nebraska, and embark on an unforgettable adventure. Our first stop takes us to the iconic Carhenge, where we explore its fascinating history and its intriguing sculptures.
The Clovis First model has come under debated attack as a result of discoveries found from southern Texas to the Pacific Northwest. Now. we can add Sunrise, Wyoming to that list
Nestled within the Never Summer Mountains of Northern Colorado, Mount Richthofen, also referred to as the "Great Chief" or "Chief Mountain," proudly stands as a prominent peak in the region. It has captured the hearts of many visitors, including ourselves, making it a beloved destination during our time in Colorado
The Cache la Poudre River is prominent in Colorado, United States. It is located in the northern (NoCo) part of the state and flows through the scenic Poudre Canyon, west of the city of Fort Collins.
In this installment of Trails West Magazine, our journey leads us to Potter, Nebraska, where we'll uncover the origins of a delectable delight – the Tin Roof Sundae. This frozen confection reshaped the nation's dessert preferences during the latter half of the 20th century.
Scotts Bluff National Monument is a part of, and maintained by, the US National Parks Service. It hosts a visitor's center which we were not allowed to film in without a permit which would have taken a few weeks to obtain so, we just enjoyed the outside..
In this episode, we travel to Alliance, Nebraska, and embark on an unforgettable adventure. Our first stop takes us to the iconic Carhenge, where we explore its fascinating history and its intriguing scul