Contact Trails West Magazine
We're now in Western Nebraska into Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, California, and everywhere the Internet reaches.
We want to hear from you!
We've expanded our coverage area into western North America, allowing us to reach a wider audience and explore more exciting areas of the United States.
Trails West Magazine finds travel, discovery, history, food, and fun in our unique publication from western Nebraska to Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, and California.
We're always looking for good storytellers. So if you're a Photographer, a Writer, or a Filmmaker and would like to submit a story to Trails West, contact us because Trails West Magazine is hiring freelance writers and photojournalists for our 2023 season of discovery and adventure.
DBA Long Draw Publishing
Scottsbluff, NE
Tel: 1-(970)-812-4100